August has come and gone and September is moving at a rapid pace! The highlight of August was the #ffchallenge3 held by the Totally Awesome @fabfatties AKA Shannon and Angie! Ive often said that THIS weight loss journey is going to end in SUCCESS! Day by Day I continue to meet wonderfully supportive people on Twitter, Facebook, and here in my Everyday Life! There isn't a day that goes by that I am not TOUCHED, INSPIRED, & MOTIVATED By many of you!! On Labor Day weekend, I went to Sea World In Orlando! I had my pedometer on my hip and I was ready to burn some calories while having a little "Active Rest" I was expecting to Sweat Off A Few Pounds! I was NOT expecting to be INSPIRED AND MOTIVATED LIKE I WAS THAT DAY! I would Like to Share some of the "FANTASTIC WONDERS" with you!
One of the first things I saw was this tank..."The Great Barrier Reef" Its not Australia(which I've been) But it was Simply Beautiful and The Next Best Thing!

After we fed the Sea Lions, Took a ride in a simulated helicopter to see polar bears...Brrrrr and saw some really cool penguins, We RAN over to see the SHAMU show! This is where I Had a Motivational "Rebirth"!! These Whales and their trainers TOOK MY BREATH AWAY!!

FYI..I took ALL of these pictures with my Blackberry cellphone! We were in the front row for this show! The seats clearly read "SPLASH ZONE"!! I figured...."How Bad can it be?!?" Well....there was not a single piece of dry material on my body when those whales got done with me!!! I also Eventually lost both of my Blackberries to the Shamu "Soak-A-Thon" BUT....IT WAS SOOOOOOO WORTH IT!!!
We were dripping wet so we walked to the Dolphin Nursery to watch "Flipper" and friends swim around while we let the sun dry our clothes! They were jumping but I never got the shot!! Hey, Its a cellphone!! What do you expect?!? LOL!

Yes, My Friends, I LOVED the show so much, that I went back!! BUT this time, we sat in the middle and HIGHER UP.... The Theme of the Shamu show is .......
Absolutely ANYTHING Is Possible!!! Running that 5k/10k/Marathon, Lifting the Weight, Passing the Test, Getting that Promotion, Hitting your Goal Weight....It Can ALL Be Yours....If You BELIEVE!!

When Times get Tough...and THEY WILL... We need to lean on each other to ELEVATE us past the stumbling block and LAUNCH US TO NEW HEIGHTS!!!
(Like the female trainer in the top right of the picture that jumped off of Shamu as he dove in the water....AMAZING!!!)

Lastly, I just want to say CONGRATULATIONS To ALL My DOWNSIZING DIVAS, #ffchallenge3 participants, and EVERYONE ELSE who is in the "Weight Loss/Fitness" Journey with me!! We may not be at the finish line yet BUT We are IN THE GAME!!! That makes us ALL WINNERS!!! TAKE A BOW!!